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As a collaborative tool, the digital Twin, a 3D representation of the as-built, allows the teams to resolve issues efficiently without travelling to the site.

The key benefits of Digital Twins:

  • Tracks and monitors sub-contractor progress
  • Validates and substantiates payments of executed works
  • Monitors schedule and cost accurately in a 3D environment.
  • Provides the design team with the as-built status, so the site office and the design team are aligned
  • Provides project managers, quality control team, construction managers and stakeholders with a nearly 100% accurate site status.
  • What to pay, why to pay and when to pay.
  • The as-built model provides stakeholders with a validation tool that minimises their exposure to litigation, claims, dispute and arbitration.
  • Bridge the disconnection between the site team, design team and stakeholders.
  • For PPP, BOT and BOOT, once made dynamic, the final as-built digital twin provides substantial saving for the O&M and energy management for the project life span.
  • Identify as-built engineering clashes, Flag issues before they become problems, minimise site waste and reduce overhead

About Vracity

We create Digital twins of the site as-built by gathering and combining accurate real-time information about the project using technologies such as 3D laser scanners, drones, sensors, cameras, and other IoT-related devices.

Why Vracity

BIM models and project management tools report on the design, measure delays, mitigate risks and report on cost, but neither can capture nor react to what is happening on site. Vracity can.

Vracity makes it easy to create a digital building in parallel to the physical one.

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